INCREASE YOUR VISIBILITY ON PLAYILLUSTRATION.COM BY PLACING AN IMAGE IN THE FEATURED ARTIST SECTION OF OUR HOME PAGE. Featured Artists enjoy a significant boost in traffic uring the months they are featured. Your Featured Artist image will be seen every time someone visits the home page, driving clicks directly to your portfolio AND your to personal website.
FEATURED ARTIST spaces are available on our Home Page at an introductory rate of $75 per month.
Any artist who is currently on the PLAY! website is eligible.
Space reservations may be made up to one year in advance.
An artist may reserve for more than one month at a time, but only for one space in any given month.
When you reserve a Featured Artist space for a given month, your image will be seen each and every time the Home Page is viewed. Positioning among the Featured Artists is randomized so each one has an equal opportunity to be seen in each position.
Full payment is required when reservations are made. Featured Artist payments are non-refundable and non-transferrable.
Artist is responsible for selecting the featured image which must be uploaded prior to reserving the monthly promotion spot. You may change your image at any time during the month.
Featured Artists can check online to see stats on how many times their image was viewed (impressions), the number of clicks to their PLAY! portfolio, and the number of clicks to their personal website.
LOGIN to Your Portfolio administration Area and click on the Home Page Featured Artists link (look for the exclamation point)!